Role of SSF

The South African Police Service Act 68 of 1995 as amended, legislated that Community Police Forums (CPF) are the only recognised consultative forum designed to permit communities to make their policing concerns known to the police.

A community police forum may establish community police sub-forums in respect of any part of a station area. Community Police Forums are linked to the SAPS police station servicing that community.

The purpose of the CPF is for SAPS to:

  1. establish and maintain a partnership between the community and SAPS
  2. promote communication between SAPS and the community
  3. promote co-operation between SAPS and the community regarding policing
  4. improve the rendering of police services to the community
  5. improve transparency in the Service and accountability of SAPS to the community
  6. promote joint problem identification and problem-solving by SAPS and the community
  7. direct, support and develop projects, which shall improve the rendering of policing service to the community
  8. support and co-ordinate the programmes of Sector Community Police Forums
  9. consult with and advise the Station Commander about all matters pertaining to community policing

Of course, the mere existence of a CPF structure on its own has a limited impact on improving community safety without additional measures being implemented. This will require the active engagement of residents in community safety initiatives and formulating a community safety plan.

The CPF is there to service the community. It is not a command and control structure. Its primary responsibility is to listen to residents in the community and establish consensual approaches to improving safety and security.

Respectful engagement with those community members who have volunteered their personal time and resources, and in some cases, their own safety, in participating in the CPF is, of course, required.

Meetings with SAPS Erasmia Precinct CPF

  • Follow up on IR Numbers
  • Feedback on arrests and prosecutions
  • Feedback on fire-arm licence applications and renewals
  • Scheduling / arranging training of community patrollers and representatives
  • Provision of safety resources
  • Scheduling / arranging training of First Aid for community representatives
  • Participation in road blocks
  • Assist private security providers
  • Implement street poster campaign to encourage informants

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