
Statutes, Regulations and Guidelines on CPF’s

SAPS Regulations and Legislation

South African Police Service Act, 1995 (Act No. 68 of 1995)

68 of 1995 SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE ACT_Regs GNR 384_2001.05.11 – to date

SAPS Interim Regulations CPF 222730

Sector Policing – Operational Guidelines

White Paper SAPS CPF

The Establishment of Community Police Forums

Gauteng Community Safety Oversight Bill

79 lives and thousands of jobs could have been saved if the ANC-led Gauteng administration had adopted the DA’s Community Safety Bill earlier this year.

The Bill

Status of the Bill

Petition to fast track the Bill through GPL

Community Safety Forums

Community Safety Forum Policy

How to maintain a CPF

Gauteng – Constitution for the Gauteng Community Police Board

Generic Constitution CPSF 13-Feb-16 Western Province

Generic Constitution for SSF – Example

SAPS Community Safety Forum Manual

Community Safety Plan – Template

Community Safety Guides

Developing a Community Safety Plan

Making South Africa Safe

Community Safety Plans Guide Book – Guide for Provincial and Municipal Officials

Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) Audit amd Site Assessment Checklists

Minimum Standards for Victims of Crime

Community Safety CPF and SSF

Constitution of Erasmia SAPS CPF dated 23 February 2015

Constitution of the DLSSF

Code of Conduct

Erasmia SAPS Precinct (.kml shape file)

Guidelines for Patrollers and Farm Watch

SAPS Community in Blue – Patrollers and CPF

SAPS Guideline Farm Watch

Land Invasions and Evictions

Standard Operational Procedure on Land Invasions and Evictions

SAPS Guidelines-Trespassing land Invasions

Views: 81


Mayor Cilliers Brink and the TMPD

Social Services

Older Persons – Elder Care


Ongoing security risk posed by derelict building, a resident takes action


Illegal fuel depot operation placing residents at risk, action taken


Vigilant residents take action against illegal LP Gas depot in Scheepers Street, Laezonia

Crime Reported in Press

Hijacking and Kidnapping

Bylaw Infringements

Fireworks – Tshwane Office for Community Safety

Security Suppliers

Solar PIR Alarms


Community Camera Update


Camera Status Update


Dog Poisoning is a criminal offence




What to do when pulled over by SAPS or Metro


Erasmia CPF elected


Appeal to all Residents