URGENT: Appeal to all Residents
The CPF is urging all residents who have been a victim of any unlawful activity to kindly report it to the SAPS station in your area, as this will directly have an effect on the crime statistics which translates to an increase in Police resources/equipment and visible patrols around our area/community.
If you are unable to go to the station you may use the following numbers:
08600 10111
All IR and CAS numbers must be forwarded to your Sector Community Police Forum for follow up and status reports.
Thank you.
Issued on behalf of the
Erasmia Community Police Forum
All mobile services providers are required to keep the caller on line if they request assistance from SAPS. The mobile phone provider will contact SAPS and only release the call when contact has been established with SAPS.
Phone 112 from your cellular phone and request the call centre agent that you require SAPS assistance.
They will then contact SAPS and ensure that contact is made between the caller and SAPS.
These calls are recorded.
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