As many as 1 000 dogs are poisoned in South Africa every week. This is according to Dr Gerhard Verdoorn, director at the Griffon Poison Information Centre.
On Wednesday evening, up to 40 dogs were poisoned in Florida, Roodepoort.
“The poison that is used is very potent – around 97% of animals that are poisoned die.”
Verdoorn said poison is usually placed in viennas, Russians or mince and fed to the dogs. Once the dogs are dead, the homes are easy targets for housebreaking or theft.
“The most common poison used is Aldicarb, also known as ‘two-step’. It’s called that because you take two steps and then you die.”
Other poisons commonly used are Carbofuran and Terbufos. These are all pesticides and are highly toxic.
With almost 30 years’ experience, Verdoorn, who predominately assists the national Department of Agriculture and the SAPS, said Aldicarb is the primary active substance used in some pesticides. It is banned in parts of Europe and can no longer legally be sold in South Africa.
“But is still used in Zimbabwe, from where it is smuggled in by crime syndicates.”
Verdoorn says death is almost guaranteed when a dog is given a high dosage of Aldicarb.
“What happens is that the animal’s nervous system shuts down. It is paralysed and then suffocates to death.”
According to Verdoorn, it would take a big dog 20 minutes to die and a smaller dog could be dead within five minutes.
“This is affecting the whole country. The poison is used in farm attacks as well.”
Aldicarb is a grainy black substance and is readily available at informal shops and taxi ranks, where it is sold in little plastic bags, says Verdoorn.
Going on for years
Cora Bailey, director of Community Led Animal Welfare (CLAW), who happens to live in Florida, confirmed Wednesday’s mass poisoning to News24.
“This has been going on for years,” Bailey said. “It is a massive problem. This poison is being sold everywhere.”
Bailey urged the public to keep their pets inside at night and to report incidents of poisoning to the police.
“Keep your dogs away from your front yard. And let them sleep inside at night. This is safer for you and obviously for your dog.”
“Criminals are more reluctant to enter a property where the dog can alert homeowners,” Bailey said.
Mandy Cattanach, manager of the SPCA in Roodepoort, told Netwerk24 while the animal welfare organisation dealt with poisoned animals daily, this incident was something it had never seen before.
Cattanach reportedly said that residents of Janet, Maud and Cinderella streets and Sixth Avenue called the SPCA en masse on Wednesday night to report that their dogs were dying.
The incident was being investigated, she said.
SAPS Florida could not be reached for comment.
According to a statement by Animal Resource South Africa, dog poisonings are on the rise in South Africa.
The organisation also urged pet owners to keep dogs inside at night.
What should I do if I suspect my pet has been poisoned?
You need to get your pet to the vet as fast as you can, the statement read.
If treatment is started early, the prognosis for recovery is good.
“Phone your vet’s rooms while you are on the way and let them know you have an emergency, that you suspect poisoning.
“To buy more time, you can give your pet activated charcoal if you have it at home. This will only have an effect if your pet is showing very mild clinical signs. Don’t waste time doing this: do it fast and still hurry to the vet. The activated charcoal is not a treatment, but it may buy you a little extra time. If your dog is already vomiting, it won’t have any effect, as it will only be regurgitated.”
Signs and symptoms
Animal Resource South Africa lists the following symptoms that may indicate that your dog has been poisoned:
Disorientation, vomiting, confusion, excessive salivation and coughing up slime, excessively runny nose, hyperventilation, lethargy, difficulty breathing, convulsions and seizures, diarrhoea that may be mucous or black or “tarry” in the case of anticoagulant poisoning, abnormal pupils – either pinpoint or dilated, tremors and muscle twitching, temporary or partial paralysis, partial loss of movement, unconsciousness, coma, bleeding from the nose, gums or wounds, acute blindness in the case of anticoagulants, and blood in the urine in the case of anticoagulants.
Anticoagulants are medicines that help prevent blood clots. These agents are also present in rat and mouse poisons, that are also used to poison dogs.
Common Household Items Toxic to Dogs
Your home and garden is filled with items that are potentially toxic or poisonous to your dog. That’s why it’s important to know where your dog is at all times, and to keep potentially harmful substances beyond the reach of your curious dog’s mouth.
Some of the most common household substances that are poisonous to dogs are:
- Chocolate
- Raisins
- Xylitol (low calorie sweetener)
- Bleach
- Oven cleaner
- Laundry detergent
- Tylenol
- Alcohol
- Gasoline
- Tobacco
- Furniture polish
- Drain cleaners
- Antidepressants
- Snail, slug or rodent poisons
- Fungi
- Yew trees
- Acorns
- Spring bulbs
Signs & Symptoms of Poisoning in Dogs
Depending on the type of poison, the early signs and symptoms of poisoning in dogs vary tremendously but fall into a few categories:
- Symptoms caused by swallowed poisons can include: vomiting, diarrhoea, agitation and heart issues.
- Inhaled toxins may cause breathing difficulties or loss of consciousness in dogs.
- If your dog’s skin comes in contact with a poisonous substance typical symptoms include irritation and pain.
It’s important to note that the symptoms of poisoning typically take a number of days to appear, and in some cases could even take months.
Long-Term Symptoms of Dog Poisoning
If you know that your dog has eaten something poisonous it is essential to get treatment immediately. The fact that your dog doesn’t display any symptoms right away does not mean that they are safe from the effects of the poisonous substance!
Some of the long-term symptoms of your dog coming in contact with poisonous substances include: irregular heart beat, kidney failure, liver damage, loss of blood, and neurological symptoms such as seizures.
What To Do If Your Dog Has Been Poisoned
If your dog has been poisoned stay calm and call your emergency vet, immediately.
Make sure to get your dog well away from the poisonous substance. If your dog got into it once, they may head right back to it while you are on the phone. Safely move the substance well out of your dog’s reach.
Do not try to administer doggie first aid. Different poisonous substances require different actions. While some cases may call for inducing vomiting, in other cases inducing vomiting could make your dog even more sick. Get your dog to the vet as quickly as possible and let your veterinary professionals administer appropriate treatment.
If you know what has poisoned your dog, bring any packaging or a sample of the poison safely to your vet’s office. The packaging will help your vet to get a full understanding of the situation, and how best to treat your dog.
Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet’s condition, please make an appointment with your vet.
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