Vacant Land & Abandoned Properties

Please urgently participate in our Vacant Land & Abandoned Properties


The ongoing land invasions, encouraged by various political parties, will persist through to 2024. This is an obvious attempt to secure members who will vote for them in 2024. This clear breach of land owners constitutional rights has to be halted.


Please identify those properties near you which are vacant or abandoned. Please provide the plot number. Note: All properties falling within the CRR nature reserve are already identified by the management authority. We are concerned about the other vacant properties.

Please provide known contact details of owners so that we are able to secure custodianship / caretaker agreements with them on an urgent basis.

The caretaker agreements are essential. The caretaker should open a trespassing case with SAPS Erasmia within 24 hours to prevent potential invaders from acquiring squatting and relocation rights. The template for these caretaker agreements is on this website in the category “Land Invasions”.

If you believe this to be the case please provide the plot numbers.

The following properties already have interdicts against potential land invasions.

These properties already have interdicts over them due to the Eskom servitudes which run through these properties.
Laezonia: L63, L64, L65, L66, L67 and L68
Doornrandje: D110, D13, D44, D43, D 42, D106, D 2 and D1
Rietfontein (Hills and Dales): HD45 and HDO

If you have not done so already, please do so. Please also take photographs of these signs in case they are later removed.

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