Tshwane Metro Police Department empowers the public to fight corruption


Ald. Grandi Theunissen
MMC for Community Safety
15 June 2023

In my capacity as MMC for Community Safety. I would like to give my full support to the directive issued by the Acting of the Tshwane Metro Department (TMPD). Basil Nkhwashu.

The directive is aimed at empowering the public to fight possble corruptm by TMPD officers. It also seeks to make our officers aware of the importance of high ethical mnduct. being fair and respecting the rights of others.

Let me be dear about what this directive for public:

  • You have the right, and are in fact encouraged, to ask TMPD officers for their appointment ertificates (a card identifying them as a police officer).
  • You have the right, and are in fact encouraged, to record your encounter with TMPD officials. This includes videos and pictures of the officers, their appointment certificates, and their vehicles.

Considering the of complaints the City has been receiving with regard to extortion, and other cases of misconduct by TMPD officers, this directive was long overdue. I welcome the initiative by the Acting Chief and will continue to support him in implementing any measures to address this scourge.

If ever you are a victim of terrible acts by TMPD officials, please:

Open a criminal case at the nearest station.

Report the matter to the TMPD Integrity Unit via our line 083 657 2998 to enable an internal investigation into the conduct

Report the matter to IPID via Complaints.Gauteng@ipid.gov.za
TMPD integrity unit on: 083 657-2998

I want to thank the Executive Mayor Cllr Cilbers Brink for his support to have this directive issued to empower our residents while cleaning up our Metro police. I also want to remind the public to reman respectful in their with law enforcement. A lot of good officers are still trying to make a difference out there.

Enquiries: Ald. Grandi Theunissen, MMC
Ald Grandi Theunissen
A city that works for all its people.

Report Metro corruption here:

  • MMC Grandi Theunissen 082 094 4995
  • Inspector Hannes Louw 083 437 7987
  • Inspector Khoza 083 656 6871
  • TMPD integrity unit on: 083 657-2998

The role of residents and the community

Residents and community members play an important role in not only combatting and preventing crime and ensuring safety and security, but also in reporting incidents of police misconduct and holding officers accountable.

Residents are urged to report any complaint, corruption or bribery involving TMPD (Tshwane Metropolitan Police Department) members to Internal Affairs at 083 657 2998 or via email at tmpdcomplaints@tshwane.gov.za. .

Residents should note that they can, and are encouraged, to report incidents of police misconduct to the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) to ensure that the matter is investigated independently and externally. The IPID then makes appropriate recommendations to the TMPD regarding disciplinary action.

Members of the public can lodge a complaint with the IPID by phoning 012 399 0000 or via email at complaints@ipid.gov.za. Downloadable complaints forms are available at www.ipid.gov.za. 

Residents are also reminded that when they are stopped by the TMPD to obtain the officers’ name and surname on the shield or badge, and to take note of  the  Registration number of the TMPD motor vehicle concerned and / or the fleet number, example MP621. TMPD officers are required to have their identification visible at all times and members of the public are lawfully entitled to record their interaction with the TMPD. This will assist in investigations when a complaint is lodged.



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