Vacant property – community helps in clearing

L20 Krause Street, deceased estate. The house and outbuildings has been subject to extensive vandalisation and stripping. The plot itself has become overgrown and represented a risk to local residents. It is also now potentially a hideout for criminals at night who mysteriously disappear when private security are on the lookout. The property is not safe to patrol at night and the veld grass needs to be cut during the no fire season to make it more visible at night.

Property Location L20 Krause Street, Laezonia AH

Vandalisation of the property

Day 1: After an appeal to our community, unknown residents commenced clearing the outer pavement area. If you do know whom we can give credit to, please let us know. Monday 15 August 2022

Day 2: Dot Henwood and her team commenced clearing the front of the property making the house visible for the first time in many years. Tuesday 16 August 2022

Day 3: Vandalisation of the premises continues at the back area of the property which has yet to be cleared. Photos taken by local resident. Wednesday 17 August 2022.

We hope that more work will continue in clearing this property which remains a security risk to local residents.

Do you know of other vacant or abandoned properties which potentially represent a security risk to the local community? Use this form and let us know.

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One response to “Vacant property – community helps in clearing”

  1. That’s right behind my property and it’s a high security risk. I’d like to know who the estate administrator is so we can assist in getting occupancy for the property to stop the vandalism